Horsefly trap Super handy portable horsefly trap
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They will be back in the second half of the summer; the sly tormentors who make the lives of the horses and the caretakers/riders miserable. The female badger needs blood to allow her eggs to mature and she locates her involuntary blood donor mainly by sight: Moving objects that preferably also give off heat radiation betray the presence of a suitable donor.
For as long as people keep horses, a solution to the horsefly problem has been sought:
- Deterrent odors
- Because horseflies do not locate their prey by smell, but by sight, masking or deterring odors have little or no effect. The smell perception of insects is different from that of humans: there are insects that like flowers to smell, but there are also those that find rotting meat or excrement completely over. And it is questionable whether the horse can smell it.
- Toxins
- The horse only stings once, if she is poisoned during the sting, the horse has already undergone the stabbing and the poison is mustard after the meal. Injecting the horse with toxins (such as "feather rest") is therefore of no use. (Not to mention the fact that this may poison the predators of the horse flies, which will ultimately keep more horse flies alive).
- Horsefly trap
- This is the only method that has been proven to work without releasing toxins into the environment. The black ball is heated by the sun and therefore gives off heat radiation, moves slowly back and forth like a grazing animal, has a strong contrast with the background, and therefore looks exactly like a horse to the primitive brain of the badger. enticing prey. Once on the ball, the horsefly discovers the deception, she will fly up and eventually end up in the catch cup.
De PaardNatural Horsefly trap
The horsefly trap from PaardNatuurlijk is an own design. The aim was to develop a horsefly trap that would be less expensive but at the same time better than the existing products.

- Super easy to move
- An important design criterion was that the horsefly trap should be easy to move. No heavy parts, no legs to be turned into the ground, no assembly or disassembly work, just pick it up, walk along and put it down again. The "working area" of the horsefly is limited, by moving the horsefly trap regularly you can keep an optimal catch. And moving regularly is something that you only do in practice if it is not too laborious. The PaardNatural Horse Fly Trap is therefore lightweight, does not require disassembly for transport, and has foldable legs.
- Two for the price of one
- A horsefly trap looks like a suitable prey to the horsefly, but is no more attractive than a real horse. Remember that the tie only stings once. The horsefly trap will therefore only work well if the horsefly encounters the trap before a real horse. And then it just depends on which side the horse flies from. The effectiveness of the horsefly trap is therefore greatly increased if you place a horsefly trap on two opposite sides of the plot and the horses walk in between. That is why we only sell the horsefly traps as a set of two. Placing more horsefly traps is of course even better.
- Can be placed anywhere
- Because the Horse Natural Horse Fly Trap has no legs that need to be turned into the ground, does not need an anchoring against falling over, and with 4 movable legs can stand stable anywhere, this Horse Fly Trap can be placed on any kind of terrain. Whether it is loose drifting sand, rough forest soil, a rock bottom, a tiled paddock, or on your terrace next to the barbeque, you can place the PaardNatuurlijk Dazenval there.
- Canister easy to empty
- The height of the bottom of the cup of our horsefly trap is not high; ca 1.70m, this has the great advantage that you can easily view what you have caught and that you can easily change/empty the cup. Especially with an extra collection cup (to be ordered if desired), changing is a piece of cake; walk into the meadow or paddock with the extra collection cup, change it and you're done. Of course, it is also possible with only 1 collection cup, but it is a bit more time-consuming.

- Wind resistant
- The HorseNatural Horsefly trap always stands firmly due to the 4 movable, wide legs. And because the safety net is permeable to air, the wind has little influence on the whole and with the exception of heavy storms, the horsefly trap stays in place. If you live in a very windy place or if you want to make sure that the horsefly trap always stays put during a storm, we also have a set of pegs with guy ropes available for this.
- Quiet and pleasant appearance
- Do you also hate flapping cloth, swinging catch funnels, a crooked construction? The Horse Natural Horsefly Trap has an elastic net that always stays tight, and the only thing that rocks back and forth is the bait ball because that's the only thing should move. Fortunately, the bait ball is the least conspicuous part of the whole (although horse flies think otherwise). And because the Horse Natural Horse Fly Trap has not one but four hinged legs, it will never lean or wobble. And, it is also nice that the renewed version now has a beautiful dark green powder-coated top layer that protects the trap against rust, and is also beautiful to see.
- Effective
- It is important that the bait ball moves with the slightest breeze, because movement is what makes the bait think it is prey. The PaardNatural Horsefly Trap has no heavy structures or metal hinge or pivot points that need to be set in motion, but the ball is lightweight and hangs from a flexible string. The catch funnel does not move, because that only distracts the attention for the bait ball.
- Compact stowable
- The PaardNatural Horsefly trap can be folded just like a parasol after unhooking the bait ball, thanks to the hinged legs, and then takes up little space. The trap can remain on the legs. Before wintering, you can fold the legs and you're done.

- Affordable quality
- In the production of horsefly traps, you cannot avoid having expensive molds made for the plastic parts (which must be carried by a relatively limited number of specimens), but despite that we have managed to keep the price for the horsefly traps relatively low. We have not lost sight of quality. The intention was not to make a horsefly trap that you can drive over with a tank, but to make a horsefly trap that can handle normal use in standard summer weather conditions. The materials used are rain and UV resistant.

- Possibility of anchoring
- For people who want to be 100% sure that the horsefly trap remains neatly in all circumstances, we also have a set of strong guy ropes with high-quality pegs, suitable for all soil types except rock bottom.
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