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Je leest nu onderwerp "HKO - antwoord Rooney"
Volg datum > Datum: donderdag 25 augustus 2005, 16:5325-8-05 16:53 Nr:32277
Volg auteur > Van: janna Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: HKO - antwoord Rooney Structuur

191 berichten
sinds 23-6-2005
Oke, dit is het antwoord wat ik van Rooney heb ontvangen.
Ben nog moe van de discussie, dus graag niet opnieuw.

Maar dit antwoord wilde ik jullie niet onthouden.

Mijn vraag was, even hier heel kort gezegd, of slecht ruiterschap ook hko kon veroorzaken en of een goede training (gericht op balans, verzameling, lichtheid, souplesse) hko kan genezen.

Wat me opvalt is dat hij zegt dat hko (de echte hko dus, volgens hem) niet te genezen is.

There is no reason to believe that bad or inadequate training or riding cause navicular disease. The basic cause is vibration in one of several forms as caused routinely by jumping and long periods of work on hard, unyielding surfaces such as pavement.

It is perfectly possible, however, to have pain in the foot which can mimic navicular disease and that can be related to inadequate care of the feet -farriery -as well as the several bad riding techniques you note.

Always, when you receive a diagnosis of navicular disease, be wary and be sure that is the correct diagnosis.
Once true navicular disease is present, as I define it on my web site, there is no cure. One can use such a horse with care to proper foot care and limited work (no jumping) but, eventually, the horse will become hopelessly lame.
I hope this answers your question and shall be happy to respond further if you have more questions.

James Rooney
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