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Je leest nu onderwerp "Ervaring met The Nasp?"
Volg datum > Datum: woensdag 10 juni 2009, 9:0610-6-09 09:06 Nr:166979
Volg auteur > Van: Eva Saegerman Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Ervaring met The Nasp? Structuur

Eva Saegerman

Jarig op 12-5

2766 berichten
sinds 28-4-2006

Iemand ervaring hiermee?

"The tool is called a Nasp (Nick name”Droid”) the name Nasp comes from knife and rasp. The Nasp solves tasks in

The sole and bar areas that is difficult to do with old and traditional knife and rasps especially in seasons with little water (dry hoofs). The Nasp can be used for sole manicure and adjustment of high spots, bars, bar corners and groves between trims, and as a part of trimming. The tool is operated by one hand drawing the tool and applying pressure to the area, which is to be adjusted.

The Nasp has been tested by barefoot trimmers, owners, and pioneers in USA, Germany, Switzerland and Natural hoof horse owners in Denmark and have received very positive feedbacks.

The Nasp is easy and safe to use for maintenance (by Natural hoof horse owners) between regular trim by hoof care specialists, a tool that every barefoot horse owner will benefit from. You should only use the Nasp after being properly instructed in its use by your hoof care professional. Cleaning the Nasp is easy - look here."
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